Results presentation ENEPORTS – Honfleur 2024

Decarbonisation and Digitalisation of Atlantic Ports

In-person and online (YouTube)

Date:TBA (Last quarter 2024)

Place: Honfleur and BUILDERS premises, Caen, France.

Time:TBA (Last quarter 2024)

Event organised by BUILDERS. It is aimed for the scientific community, students, press and media, local and port authorities, stakeholders and Partners of the project.

In this event there will be a visit to the Green River prototype, which will enable the innovations deployed in the prototype project to be physically demonstrated and highlighted. This prototype will be capitalised within ENEPORTS Project. Local and port authorities will be invited to show ENEPORTS results on a real scale. In the event there will also be a workshop for academia on scientific results regarding multi-source devices applicable to ports. The main objective is to demonstrate the transferability of technologies and methods developed in the project and have a consortium meeting.